Good Luck T-Shirts


The homemade talisman Jason kept in his pocket when he rode his motorcycle.

The beads are from a Tibetan prayer bracelet and the hamsa hand is from a necklace. This object was the initial inspiration for the t-shirt and related talisman designs for sale on this site.

Our founder, Jason, was in a significant motorcycle accident in the spring of 2019. As the first-responders arrived (the paramedics, the fire department, and the police) he realized how dedicated these individuals are to make sure people, strangers, survive.

“For the thirty or so minutes I was on the ground these heroes did everything in their abilities to ensure I would make it to the trauma center.”

Riding in the ambulance with the paramedics, who kept careful watch, and then being administered to the trauma team at the hospital, his appreciation for these professionals compounded. One of the attending doctors whispered into his ear, “you’re going to be OK, really, you are going to be OK.” Later, while checking his vitals, one of the nurses shared her somber experience, and a bit of a stern warning, “you know, not many people survive these types of accidents, you were lucky, you should think about that.”

Think about it he did. During his recovery he thought about ways he could give back. Plus he wanted to give greater awareness to those unseen heroes on the front-line while also celebrating those who have survived accidents like his. The initial idea was to create “badges” or pins for survivors to show their solidarity with each other, and to show their support for those who made their survival possible. Like a ribbon pin…but that seemed too conventional. He wanted something with a bit more power, something more badass.

“The simplest path I came up with was to sell t-shirts, thinking of them as types of good luck charms, and to donate proceeds to charities that support the people who save the lives of people.

With each purchase from this site, a portion of the proceeds will go to the charity Direct Relief in support of the front-line health care workers: